The Kräutermix by AGROBS® provides a selected blend of meadow herbs. The natural contents of minerals in the herbs and their aromatic, healing and active substances can enhance the animals’ health in a natural way and make the feed tasty.
Kräutermix may be added to supplement grass seed on horse pastures or can be used specifically to improve existing pastures.
INGREDIENTS: small burnet, meridian fennel, ribwort plantain, wild carrot, common chicory, fennel
CARE & SEEDING: Adapted, moderate fertilisation or first feeding in spring, fertilisation after nutrient withdrawal
SEEDING PERIOD: spring or fall,mow at initial growth height of 15 to 20 cm
SOWING DEPTH: approximately 1 cm
LONGEVITY: perennial (up to 6 years)
- Alternate fields between mowing and grazing use
- Avoid overgrazing and turnout to wet pastures
- Timely pasture rotation (short grazing times, long recovery times for a stable turf)
- Turf should never be shorter than 5-6 cm
- Pasture maintenance in spring (harrow, roll if necessary)
- Mow after grazing
- Reseed areas with tread damage, patchy stock