For generations we have dealt in crude fibre...

For generations we have dealt in crude fibre products. The foundation of our company is built on the experience of our ancestors with traditional farming. Particularly our father, Jakob Berger, who was inspired by the unique diversity of the grasses and herbs of the Bavarian Alpine foothills. He made this passion his job – and passed it on.

In the wild, the horse travels up to 20 kilometres per day, always searching for feed.
It continuously eats feed, rich in fibre in small amounts, up to 18 hours a day. This is how it used to be. This natural way of life, however, is not very realistic these days. Horses graze on small pastures, nutrition is oftentimes unbalanced, they eat too fast and chew too little. The meadows have lost their biodiversity – they are cultivated too intensively in many places. The steppe animal has developed to a domestic animal, or better pet, and a working animal. Its natural needs, however, have not changed, just as little as its teeth, its stomach or its intestine. We can give back to the horse what it has needed the past thousands of years.

The variety of herbs and grasses still exists. One just has to let nature be nature. Therefore, AGROBS® intentionally goes without high performance grasses and relies on the biodiversity of the Bavarian Alpine foothills. Traditionally, the nutritional concept of AGROBS® is oriented towards a nature-based and species-appropriate nutrition – and this successfully for over 30 years. We trust in nature, because nature gives everything for a healthy and happy life - to us and our animals.

What makes AGROBS® special?


  • own development of products with an expert team of agronomists, farmers, veterinarians
  • annually ascertained analyses – monitoring of the natural resources and documentation of following ingredients: trace elements, amino acids, sugar, starch, energy, crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat, minerals, fructan, vitamins + many more


  • roughage
  • hay substitute and hay supplement · supplementary fee
  • nature-based concepts for nutrition · additional feed
  • mineral feed
  • trace elements
  • treats


  • regional cultivation and short production routes
  • transparency of the products thanks to detailed ingredient information and recipes
  • composition of the feed dependent on the needs of your horse
  • product lines, combinable with feed of other manufacturers


  • GMP+ qualifies for production of single and mixed feed
  • contract cultivation with over 300 farmers
  • land monitoring through our employees
  • biodiverse stand of plants
  • ideal soil conditions
  • general land upkeep

INNOVATIVE THINKING – for over 30 years

  • rich in crude fibre
  • rich in long chop fibre
  • free of molasses
  • free of grain
  • low in sugar
  • low in starch
  • without artificial additives
  • without additional sugar
  • without flavourings and preservatives